Throughout history, different cultures have relied upon a number of different birthing positions to improve the comfort and birthing speed of the mother in labor.
Today, there are the traditional birthing positions in the United States that place a woman on a birthing table with stirrups for the legs, pushing the baby from a flat on the back position known as lithotomy or in the “C” position. However, this is not the only option that woman have for birthing their child.
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When you feel like you have options in regard to birthing positions, you’re going to feel more in control of your labor process. That’s why it’s best to inform yourself of all the practices and theories surrounding birth and birthing positions.
In general, a great birthing position is all about proper alignment. When the child is optimally aligned in the birth canal, it removes pressure from the mother and allows for a speedier, more comfortable birth without unnecessary muscular effort.
Keep in mind that the most popular birthing positions today have nothing to do with the mother’s comfort, but what’s most convenient for the doctors. With this bit of knowledge, you can be empowered to make your own choices about the birth of your baby and your own threshold for pain.
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As is commonly assumed, women don’t need to push for a baby to come out. In the uncomfortable modern position, they have to push, but traditional positions put the mother into a place where the baby will more naturally be released.
There are 5 types of birthing positions that you should be familiar with when making your own choices. There is the “Hands-and-Knees” positions, the “Sitting” positions, “Squatting” positions, “Side-Lying” positions, and “Upright Standing” positions.
Each of these positions is beneficial for a certain kind of labor. For instance, a hand and knees position is beneficial for a very large baby, and a squatting position is optimal to relieve the most pressure from the mother during birth.
It’s important to keep in mind that traditional hospitals will not let you chose what position you will birth your child in. If you want to do an untraditional form of birthing, you need to find a midwife or other specialized instructor to help you birth your child in the birthing position and manner that you choose.
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